Flightcontrol changelog

🚀 Beginning Lambda

Hi everyone! We're excited to announce that the team has officially began working on our new Lambda offering. Since the use cases are so broad, we intend to ship small, complete units of functionality that will be usable immediately, even if we don't cover all of the use cases immediately. We'd love to hear your feedback about what you're looking for!

🚀 Improvements

  • Convert the preview environment service configuration flow to be the same as standard environment service configuration, which includes environment variables

  • Show the last config that was attempted to be deployed for flightcontrol.json projects with services that are not yet live instead of the initially deployed config

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where preview environments were using the incorrect domain

  • Fixed a bug where the VPC selector in the onboarding flow was not loading

  • Fixed a bug where users could not migrate to AWS Marketplace

  • Fixed a bug where a pull request preview environment would be deleted if the user closed and then reopened the pull request in Github

  • Fixed a billing bug where duplicate Stripe subscriptions were being created for some users

  • Fixed a billing bug where users who had downgraded to free could not upgrade to another plan