Flightcontrol changelog

Cron Jobs Coming Soon

Hello everyone! Work started this week on cron jobs, which we're very excited about- more news to follow. In addition to that, we've also been finishing pre-deploy commands and working on improving the UI/UX of the product.

🚀 New Features

  • Added user settings pane- you can update your username, email and password. This can be accessed in the top right dropdown:

  • Improved Github comment layout

  • Added helpful documentation links on confusing error messages (think concurrent build and VPC limits) - we'll continue to add more of these links to our errors

  • Allow updating config and triggering a new deployment for a project when the config file is not found

  • Added ability to destroy a pull request preview environment

🐞 Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Improved UX when changing environment/service configuration: when you have an environment with trigger source manual, changing the config will now redeploy the active commit rather than deploying the latest commit on the branch

  • Fixed a bug where the duplicate environment flow would not allow you to change the region of the new environment

  • Various other UI/UX fixes